What a stunning month we've had in Whistler!
What started a little cool and rainy gave way to a glorious BC Long Weekend with temperatures hovering in the mid 30's- that's over 90 for those south of the border! Our lakes and beaches were filled, and each day the views were spectatular with the most colorful assortment of floatillas; from unicorns and flamigos to the more typical paddleboards and kyaks- truly perfect summer days!
The month in real estate slowed significantly- as if all just wanted to bask in the summer days. With our inventory rising now 308; 236 in Whistler and 72 in Pemberton respectively, July 2022 was the slowest sale activity in 10 years. The summer months are historically low, but this was certainly notable. A component can certainly be pegged to the increase in rates; this broadly created a 'wait and see' element for some buyers.
Supply will never dramatically increase in Whistler, and if property worth is evaluated- even just for the past decade, consistent and considerable appreciation has occured in all segments. Thus, if you have the need, the ability and desire to move, then the time-tested & proven statement, "Forget trying to time the market, and focus on time in the market" still holds true. Plus its backed by decades of data.
August gives way to some outstanding events we are so looking forward to having back to resort- Crankworks- starting today, will absolutely bring spirit and fun, and next week I can't wait for Art on the Lake. The summer concert series is on each weekend, and can't forget some good old patio sessions for Happy Hour!
Check out the Tourism Whistler site at www.whistler.com for all events and times.
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